Last Sunday (July 26) Chaplain Chim, Fay and Usha visited the Lutheran Church of Our Savior in San Bernardino for their annual Christmas in July shoebox gift drive for the seafarers. This church has been very faithful in caring for the mariners in this fashion for many years. Praise God they have a heart for this ministry. This year between early and late services, we were treated to a lovely sausage and hotcake breakfast as the church also raised funds for the youth's Christmas program.
On Monday Chaplain Chim and Fay went on board the MOL Presence to hold a service for the men there. Ab

out a dozen seamen came including the Muslim captain. He was very gracious to us and he heard the Gospel message along with the others present. We have an invitation to return next time their are in port. We are praying for help in this ministry. We'd love to be able to visit many more ships but manpower is down. However, the Lord's power is always up! Join us in asking Father for more workers for the harvest.
An APL ship came to port on Tuesday and the chief officer invited us on board. The morale has been very low according to the crew and they ask Chim to pray. This brand new ship was involved in an accident on it's maiden voyage. The captain was held responsible and was replaced (even though this ship was at anchor at the time of the accident). After having a conversation with the Chief Officer and Chief Engineer, Chim felt spiritually uncomfortable on this ship. The crew and officers were very concerned and ask for prayer. Chim prayed against the power of darkness and blessed the ship and ask for peace and guidance for the staff and crew. Please join us in praying for them and a very sick family member of one of the crew who's suffering from a very low white blood count.