Saturday, October 22, 2011

Chaplain Chim recently had to go into hospital for an angiogram and electrophysiology study due to experiencing fatigue and shortness of breath. The results of all the tests was basically "negative" without a diagnosis being made other than Cardiac Artery Disease. The doctors inserted a "loop- recorder" into his chest wall to monitor for future events, and unfortunately, he is not allowed to drive until he proves he's been healed (6 months without an episode) or having another one and catching it on the loop-recorder so it can be fixed! (They are fearful that he might black-out while driving.) That means a lot more doctors' appointments!

So, once again, as we get back to life in a new "normal" way, we would appreciate your prayers and are thankful for your love towards us. A few people have stepped up to help Chim in assisting the seafarers so he is still able to go on board ships and maintain relationships he has cultivated so carefully. President of the Board of Directors, Ron Nelson, has been extremely helpful. He has devoted his time unselfishly to helping Chim carry on the ministry.  Also, Bob Guthmiller from Torrance First Lutheran, unselfishly given of his time to help drive seafarers during this time and words can not express our gratitude to he and Ron.
In September, the International Seafarers' Center held their annual fundraiser. For the third year LMM purchased 2 tables and were happy to have many guests from various Lutheran churches that enjoyed the evening. There were tug boat races, a parade of various ships and fireships displays, followed by Chim opening the dinner presentation with prayer. A good time was had by all our guests and we trust significant funds were raised for the good of the seafarers.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Open House at ISC & service on ship

Sunday, August 21, found the LMM board members and several guests at the International Seafarers' Center for our annual Open House. ISC manager Pat Petite was interviewed and those guests that were interested went on a van tour of the port. Thank you for your faithful support.

Attached is a photo of a service on board the Bangkok Bridge which Chaplain Chim did with the Korean Pastor Lee. These two men of God enjoy joining together to conduct services and find strength to encourage one another in prayer and fellowship.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Service on ship

Capt. Clifford, crew & Ron Nelson

Captain Ramesh and family

Better late than never?

So sorry for the long delay in updating our blog! We were in New Mexico again for family business from November until early March. Ron Nelson, president of LMM, graciously filled in for Chaplain Chim during our absence. Once we return to Long Beach, Chim jumped back full time into serving seafarers.

There are lists of ships that Chim has visited since our return and we have taken lots of photos of different mariners that have enjoyed the hospitality of our home. On average, Chim brings guys two or three times a week...usually for a meal following their visit to Disneyland or some other attraction. Of course, there are snacks and refreshment when they come to use our computer. Actually, this doesn't happen as frequently as it use to because most seafarers have their own computers on board ship now. However, Chim does provide a device that enables them to use it more readily when in port.

Last week Chim and Ron Nelson attended the NAMMA conference for chaplains in Oakland. This year their attendance was sponsored by NAMMA who provided funds for the trip and hotel room. They both had a good time and enjoyed networking with others that serve seafarers and their families. The theme was "Caring for the caregivers" and was a very welcome one for all the chaplains as they all tend to work too hard and neglect themselves in the process! I believe they benefited from the whole experience and came home refreshed but tired.

Once again LMM will be having an Open House at the International Seafarers' (ISC) on Sunday, August 21st, from 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm. All are welcome and there will be light refreshments provided following a short presentation and interview. Please come and join us and bring your friends. It is so encouraging to us to meet people who support this ministry. We often feel alone and forgotten in serving so many with so few resources! Your encouragement helps so much.

The eleventh annual "Great Tug Boat Race" this year honoring the port of Long Beach on its 100th anniversary, and benefitting the ISC, takes place on September 8th. Chim will be purchasing tables that hold 10 guests so if you'd like to join us we'd like to invite you to come for a fun evening that supports a very good cause. Please send us an email or call our phone number listed on this blog.