Thursday, September 23, 2010

2010 Summer Flew By!

Fall is officially here and where did the summer go? Following a successful Open House at the International Seafarers' Center, Chaplain Chim has been busy with mariners nearly everyday he's been in Long Beach. He has a rather regular set of ships he visits but he's open to others as the need arises. His availability to seafarers' has spread by word of mouth and more and more ships crews are emailing to let us know in advance when they are arriving and to invite Chim on board along with other visitors. Ron Nelson, President of the LMM, has been able to accompany him and serve on vessels over the summer too. Imagine climbing those gangway stairs several times a day! On July 25th, Chim and his wife, Fay, once again spoke at both services in the lovely renewed and refreshed Lutheran Church of Our Savior in San Bernardino. It was a pleasure to see our friends at this faithful church again. This year they surprised LMM with a wonderfully generous donation. As is their tradition they also gave more than 70 wrapped gift boxes to be used later during the Christmas season.

On August 29th, Chim and Fay had the opportunity to speak after service at Christ Lutheran on Sterns in Long Beach and present a PowerPoint presentation of the work of LMM and responsibilities that Chaplain Chim has taken on. Members of the congregation gave supplies for making shoe box gifts including handmade "watch caps" which are always deeply appreciated by the seafarers in the winter months. A sweet surprise was a brief visit to Southern California by former Chaplian Virginia Sharma. We had a great time visiting and remembering old times together. She came to renew friendships and attend the fundraiser on the Queen Mary for the International Seafarers' Center held on September 16th. We had 2 tables available for our guests at this event and if you are interested in attending next year, please let us know. We had supporters from Gloria Dia, Christ Lutheran, Downey Lutheran Church and First Lutheran in Torrance this year. Other guests at our tables included Father Henry from the Catholic Church and a couple, Brian and Maura, from Fountain of Life Church in Long Beach. While on board the Queen Mary we enjoyed a fireboat water display, a race between the Habor patrol and the Police department and a tug boat race.

We continue to seek people interested in volunteering for service at LMM either on the Board of Directors or in any other capacity that the Lord lays on your heart. Nancy Kahakauwila from Gloria Dia has shown an interest in LMM and has attended a borad meeting with pleasure.
There have been many deep and meaningful conversations between Chim and some of the seafarers. Please see photos attached and remember us in prayers as we continue to seek to serve Him.