Thursday, June 6, 2013

June 6, 2013

Once again, it's been a long time since an entry was recorded.  However, Chim, Samson and Ron have all been busy working for the seafarers' ministry.  At the moment, Chim is once again out of state but Ron Nelson, Samson Chauhan and Terri Wall represented LMM at the Synod Conference late last month.  They were able to man a table for visitors that came by to visit during breaks.

We continue to visit ships, take wifi to the crews, provide rides for shopping, doctors, family visits and touring when possible.  The following is a photo taken a San Juan Capistrano with seafarers.  It's only 1 hour away and gives the men and their families a different look at Southern California.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!
